Frontalot Tour Diary Day 19: Oklahoma City, OK

BW3 Rules!I am writing this from the comfort of a wooden chair at Buffalo Wild Wings here in lovely OKC.  They have beer, wings and wireless – what more could a man ask for?  OK, the beer selection is a little weak for my Pacific Northwest tastes – no IPA! – but the overall awesomeness of the experience is making up for it.  This tour has been full of experiences, both awesome and suboptimal.  On the subject of suboptimality: it looks like Front is going to live.  Which is not suboptimal, of course.

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Frontalot Tour Day 17: Austin, Texas

As precious as silver and gold!First off, don’t take my day numbering too seriously.  I’m not sure if it is accurate.  I was good at math in high school and then abandoned it for music, so though there may be numerals at the top of each post indicating the cardinality of the entry with respect to all other entries as observed on a one-dimensional graph with sole axis T representing time, they don’t necessarily mean anything of substance.  Lack of sleep and endless waves of generosity from fans and hosts have rendered my internal abacus entirely ineffective.

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Frontalot Tour Diary Day 15: Florida & Louisiana

This is probably going to make me sound provincial and small-minded, but it never occurred to me that the south could be full of stunningly gorgeous landscapes.  It is.  We just finished driving across about 30 miles of elevated highway that took us through marshy swamplands between Baton Rouge and Lafayette and the visuals were nothing short of exquisite.  At one point there was a row of electrical towers, rising 100 feet from the water, which stretched far enough into the distance that they faded into the mist.  What are some other multisyllabic, positive adjectives I can throw out?  Mesmerizing. Breathtaking.  Bucolic!  That’s my new favorite word.  I hope I’m using it correctly.

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Frontalot Tour Diary – Day 12, Georgia

First and foremost I’d like to apologize for not being more diligent about my entries.  I understand that there are those of you who live in remote regions of the world and depend on my words to keep you company during the long, sunless winter days.  I can only suggest: read very, very slowly.  That way you won’t feel the sting so badly when I fail to blog about the goings-on of the Frontalot tour bus.

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Frontalot Tour Diary Day 6: North Carolina, Pt. 2

You know what makes me sneezThe trees are vandals!e, besides accidentally yanking out a hair while fastidiously removing all obstructions from my nose?  Pollen.  It is yellow, it is everywhere, and it is airborne.  I haven’t seen pollen like this since I spent my springs on Long Island.  It is both fascinating and a terrible nuisance.  Thankfully, it has not impeded our performances, though it has caused me to practice the Obama elbow maneuver more often than I’d like to.  My crook runneth over.  Ewww.

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Frontalot Tour Diary Day 4: North Carolina, Pt. 1

It may be common knowledge, but I recently discovered what an amazing deal Waffle House really is.  For $8, I got a waffle, two eggs, grits, bacon and toast.  All I wanted was a waffle and eggs!  Honestly.  If we continue eating there I will end up bucking the tour trend of losing weight.  But I will be happily sated.  How is one to balance the two?

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Frontalot Tour Diary Day 1: On The Road

Hello again from the wonderful world of touring!  I am presently on tour with MC Frontalot, the father of nerdcore hip-hop, and we are stopped for the evening at an Econolodge in the lovely Shenandoah Valley, where the gas stations and fast-food restaurants stretch as far as the eye can see.  Today was a mostly uneventful travel day.  We started in Staten Island at the home of sometime Frontalot collaborator The Categorical Imperative, where we were treated to coffee, bagels and live chickens before heading off rather late.  Honestly, the day was mostly uneventful, even when it should have been full of vigor.

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On tour w/ MC Frontalot!

Greetings, throngs of fans!  I have news and more news.  First things first: I am currently on tour with the inimitable MC Frontalot.  This Friday night we will be performing for a large crowd of hardcore gamers at the Penny Arcade Expo East, otherwise known as PAX East.  Then: on to foist nerdy rap upon the rest of the country!  I will do my best to keep you all updated with the ups and downs of the tour, which reaches deep into the late days of May.

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Happy new year!

We here at KF headquarters want to wish you and yours a happy new year, and also to let you know that many projects are in the works in preparation for unveiling at various points in time throughout the new year.  Now get off the internet and go get sloshed!

Tour Diary: Days 11-12, Los Angeles (pt. 2) & Fresno

zz_converseI must admit that it is tough to write this final tour diary entry from the comfort of my dining room.  There is something about typing out these entries in the van, at a cafe, or in someone else’s kitchen that lends the whole process a sense of immediacy and authenticity.  Now I am just relating tales of things past, like an aged man capturing his memoirs for posterity.  But relate I must!  For you, the fans, wait hungrily for details of the final tour dates.  Wait no more: they are here.

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